What is ADHD?
Children who have ADHD might be disruptive, as they’re hyperactive and continually run around at home and school.
In many cases, children who have ADHD continue to encounter problems as they enter adulthood. ADHD symptoms in adults might change somewhat, but don’t disappear and continue to disrupt their life.
How does ADHD affect people?
ADHD can cause difficulties that affect your ability to work, study, and maintain relationships. At school, you might have grades that are below what you’re capable of achieving. If you’re working, you might fail to make much progress in your career.
Interpersonal relationships can be challenging for people who have ADHD. Trying to manage ADHD without any professional treatment or support puts a psychological and physical strain on you that can take an emotional toll and make life a constant struggle.
How is ADHD diagnosed?
A professional diagnosis is essential if you suspect you or your child has ADHD. Common symptoms can be an indication of other psychiatric disorders. These symptoms include:
- Poor focus
- Procrastination
- Impulsivity
- Poor organization
ADHD also occurs alongside other mental health disorders, particularly depression, anxiety and other disorders
Diagnostic testing might involve psychiatric and psychological evaluation and computer testing, such as the Quotient test. Test results aren’t sufficient on their own to confirm a diagnosis of ADHD, visit Gwinnett Psychiatry for a professional assessment.
Most people with ADHD respond to medications, most typically stimulants. These drugs can be beneficial but aren’t right for everyone, and can cause side effects. If stimulant medication isn’t right for you, there are other prescription medications available.
There are also nonpharmaceutical methods of managing the symptoms of ADHD, including psychotherapies, behavior modification, social and educational support, and lifestyle changes.
To find out more about living a happy and successful life with ADHD, call us today.
children have been diagnosed with ADHD aged 2–5 years
2.4 million
children aged 6–11 years
3.3 million
children aged 12–17 years
Some of the conditions we treat
- Personality Disorders
- Mood Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- Other Disorders